(updated on Oct 16th)
Here are a few of the questions I have been getting about MyTimeDesign, based on the information I have shared so far with the general public:
How Does MyTimeDesign Compare to Other Time Management Approaches?
I once explored a time management system that insisted that each person who followed it needed to “discipline themselves” into adhering to its precisely prescribed habits.
Needless to say, it only worked for a handful of people… the few who were lucky enough
to have habits that happened to line up with those described in the program.
For the vast majority, however, it failed to work for them.
I can’t imagine what the creators were thinking. Did they really believe that all people in all countries, regardless of age, culture and background would end up marching to the same tune, and using the exact same personal habits, practices and rituals?
Instead, people “do that thing they do” when, in their thousands, they sit in time management classes, read books or scour the internet for tips. That is, THEY DO THEIR OWN THING!
In the case of time management systems, one size definitely does not fit all.
They ignore the advice of the gurus (who tell them to “march harder”) and instead they devise their own time systems, using a bit from here and a bit from there.
ARE THEY CRAZY??? (Obviously, they’re not supposed to do that…) Some gurus tell them they are doomed to failure.
I got pissed at this, and started creating MyTimeDesign as a result.
Instead of trying to change people’s character, I have assumed that we are all different, and require different solutions. Trying to get us all to march together in the same way won’t work.
MyTimeDesign is built on the idea that each working professional can follow guidelines instead of prescriptions, and end up with a unique time management that works for them.
(There are some who disagree, however, that this is possible.)
But it’s a little like the approach used by a good art school. They don’t tell you how to be an artist, but instead they teach the fundamentals and allow each person’s creativity to flourish from there.
MyTimeDesign is about teaching each student the fundamentals of managing their time at ALL levels of skill, and allowing them to upgrade or craft their time management system in a way that makes sense to their goals, personality and culture.
It’s the very opposite of one-size-fits-all. And it’s not like marching in goose-step at all.
How Does the 1.0.Free Version Compare with the 2.0.Pro Version?

I answered this question at a high level in two prior posts: What Will it Look Like? (part 1) and What It Is (part 2.)
Here are some more details, however in the form of a side-by-side comparison. You may recall that I offered MyTimeDesign 1.0.Free back in August and, as the name implies, it was free.

The MAIN difference is in the support, and in the role that I play.
In the Free version, participants learn on their own steam — “it’s the do it yourself version.” They receive no direct coaching, and they gain access to some of the core ideas of the MyTimeDesign programs via a series of emails that direct them to each lesson.
Success in completing the 6 week program requires a certain amount of self-discipline as no-one will be monitoring student progress on an individual level.
In the Professional version, participants receive direct coaching, some of it individual, in building their own habit support structure. There are regular events of different kinds that include myself and other students — in fact, I’ll be working on my own upgrade alongside the participants in the first cohort or group. I’ll personally help students to make it through all 16 Lessons, as I join in the fun.
Participants retain access to the content for a full 30 weeks.
The Professional environment provides for a great deal of sharing of successes, insights, issues, challenges and breakthroughs.
Oh, and by the way… there will be an application required for those interested in MyTimeDesign 2.0.Professional.
Will MyTimeDesign 2.0.Professional be Practical or Philosophical?
A regular reader of my 2Time blog would know that I spend a lot of time on the philosophy of time management – trying to fix the underlying assumptions that seem to be so confused. For that reason, I call it a “research” blog.
However, 2.0.Professional is designed to make habit change easy, and to make it happen as quickly as possible while the course is in session. The reason it stretches over 16 weeks in time is to give participants a chance to tinker with their habits in order to see real changes happen.
This is hands-on work. I honestly don’t care if people agree with the ideas or not… the classroom environment is designed to help people make sustained changes in their habits, and that for me is the only sign of success.
Anyone who likes philosophy should either stick to reading the blog or take the Free version. The hands-on nature of the Professional version will probably become uncomfortable for those who are just shopping around for some interesting tips or cool ideas.