MyTimeDesign offers specialized programs for time advisers: coaches, consultants, trainers, instructional designers, professional organizers, teachers and even those who administer training programs. In the time management world, we offer one of the few resources geared for those who help others solve time-related problems.
Our commitment is simple: to find ways to help you do your best work. To that end, we have assembled what is perhaps the finest set of self-directed resources, with a fairly long list of products waiting in the wings for the right expertise and talent to come along.
Blog and Special Reports
We use the latest research in fields such as engineering and adult education to continually push the envelope on the ways in which time management is taught. Click here to visit our blog located on this site, with links to posts, videos, special reports and podcasts.
Games and Assessments
We have pioneered the use of interactive assessments and games for time advisers. To check out what’s currently available, visit our page on this website.
We offer both live and online training programs for time advisers at all stages of expertise.
Our work to empower time advisers has only just begun. There’s much more that’s planned for the next few months as you’ll see from our content.