If you happened to attend my 2012 teleclass at the Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD) you may already know who Wilma is.
She’s a fictional Professional Organizer who is looking to expand her practice by adding clients who are looking for expert time clutter consulting.
In the teleclass, I covered the principles she needs to master to on-board a new client, but in this instructional simulation/gamee, you can actually practice making some tough choices as she works with a prickly client.
It takes about 15 minutes to run through, and you can click here for immediate access.
P.S. A word of explanation. This learning simulation is a part of the training content that I’m sharing to prepare attendees of the 2012 ICD Annual Conference in Chicago. I’ll be leading a workshop called “Baby Steps 201: Radically Reducing Your Clients’ Time Clutter in which organizers will be trained in the principles and finer points of time clutter consulting.