Thank you for registering in MyTimeDesign 1.1.Plus+!
Here is your first IMPORTANT step:
Simply fill out the form below using the email address that you wish to use to receive emails with the first few lessons in MyTimeDesign Plus. Also enter your first and last name.
Within a few minutes of clicking Submit, you will receive an email message to confirm your contact details. This is an extra step to ensure that your address isn’t being spammed. You must open the email
and click on the enclosed link.
After a few minutes, you’ll receive your first lesson from the class with instructions on how to log into different modules in MyTimeDesignPlus+.
Also, your credit card or bank statement will show a charge by “PayPal *2TIMEFRAMEW .” Your tuition has been completely paid for this training at the price of: US$49 for a complete year of access.
I look forward to seeing you in the LinkedIn discussion group.
Don’t leave this page before entering your information!
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Francis Wade